Frequently Asked Questions
The most common and general questions and their answers
Everything you need to know about your current licensing and how it translates into the new model
Everything technical you want to know about our offering
Business Partner
I am a business partner, how does it work? What’s in it for me?
General Questions
Why should I choose Belsoft/ISW/Prominic as my preferred Cloud partner ?
We are the first chosen MSPs for HCL and we are working closely with HCL to make sure there is a good, solid and hassle-free migration path by proof testing the whole process. Together Belsoft / ISW / Prominic have an extensive know-how and a highly technical skillset. You can feel confident that we offer a secure and safe Cloud environment. We also have good and long experience in migration work, which benefits all our customers.
We also have good and long experience in migration work which benefits all our customers.
We will keep your environment up to date with the latest version. Your data will also be backed up accordingly and is safe and secure.
Our offerings include Connections including HCL Docs, Tiny Editor, Customizer and ICEC and Verse and Notes email including spam protection.
Do you offer hosting of both HCL Connections and HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail?
Yes, we offer both. You can subscribe to them individually or together
I use the mobile apps today for Connections and Verse email. Can I continue doing that?
Do you have a timeline for when you can start hosting us?
Yes, For HCL Domino & HCL Verse mail, we can start migrating today, for HCL Connections Cloud customers, we will be able to start in April.
When does IBM shut down their Cloud environment?
IBM has announced that they will shut down their Cloud offerings in July 16 2020. https://www.ibm.com/products/hcl-divestiture
What will it cost to have HCL Connections or HCL Domino & HCL Verse email in your cloud? Will it differ from what I pay today?
We strive to offer our customers a competitive price for our services matching the quality we provide. Depending on the contract you have with IBM the price can differ.
License Questions
Can I sign up for longer periods? Let’s say 3 years
Yes, we offer contracts for 1, 2 or 3 years. Please contact us for more detailed pricing details
Can I give different users different levels of service? e.g. Can I provide some users with HCL Connections Social and others with HCL Connections Engagement Center? Can I have some users with HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail and others with HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail and HCL Domino Applications? Can I have different numbers of users with Collaboration vs Email?
I currently have Dual Entitlement and I use "Service Only" Email hosted on IBM Connections Cloud. What service will I move to?
HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail
I currently have Dual Entitlement and I use "Hybrid" Email using my Domino Registration/Administration Server(s) (optionally with Rooms and Reservations) with Email hosted on IBM Connections Cloud. Apart from system databases I do not have any Domino Databases. What service will I move to?
HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail. You will no longer need to host your own Domino Server(s). The entire Domino Directory Domain will reside on the Managed Server Provider Cloud complete with your dedicated Rooms and Reservations service.
I currently have Dual Entitlement and I use "Hybrid" Email using my Domino Server (with Rooms and Reservations) and I host Domino Applications on my on-premises Domino Servers. I do not wish to move my on-premises Domino Applications to a Cloud Service. I have Email hosted on IBM Connections Cloud. What service will I move to?
HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail and Applications. The licensing provided as part of your HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail and Applications subscription enables you to run your Domino Applications in the cloud, however if you still want to provision on-premises applications you will require separate licensing for that component. Please talk to us for details.
I currently have Support and Maintenance licensing (S&S) for my on-premises environment. Can I move to your Cloud?
Yes. You can take up the subscriptions that best meets your needs. If your requirements are entirely met by our Managed Service Provider Cloud service you may not need to continue your Support and Maintenance licensing (S&S) at your next renewal. You should consult with HCL or your Business Partner to determine your future S&S requirements (if any).
I previously purchased an IBM or HCL Software license but Support and Maintenance (S&S) has lapsed. Can I move to your Cloud service?
Definitely! We would love to provide you with a fully supported service.
I have IBM Connections Cloud Licensing: Which Cloud Service should I select?
Here are the closest services for each of the IBM Connections Cloud services: IBM Connections Cloud S1 = HCL Connections Social plus HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail IBM Connections Cloud S2 = HCL Connections Social IBM Connections Social Cloud = The nearest service is HCL Connections Social IBM Connections Social Cloud Basic = The nearest service is HCL Connections Social
Who do I contact to complete the contract extension?
IBM is fulfilling one-time contract extensions for companies actively using the Cloud service, under a managed service agreement with HCL. Please send an email to SaaSHCL@us.ibm.com to work with a contract specialist regarding the details of your contract.
Is there an option to get an additional discount if the customer make an upfront payment for all the year?
The pricing for the various options are based upon an upfront annual payment for the service (for 1, 2 or 3 year terms). We do offer monthly payment option for those terms but this is at additional cost.
Is it going to be an option to “mix” types of users for the same customer , as we did it with IBM (for example 500 Verse users + only 100 of Connections users under the same customer number)
Yes, mixing user types will be possible.
Which Services should I select?
You select the combination of Collaboration and/or Email/Applications services that best matches your requirements.
There are 2 Collaborations offerings and 1 optional package:
HCL Connections Social
HCL Connections Engagement Center
HCL Connections Docs
Email/Applications services
There are two Email/Domino application offerings:
HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail
HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail and Applications (if you also use HCL Domino applications).
Collaboration & Email
If you want both Collaboration and Email you select one of the three Collaboration offerings and one of the two Email/Domino offerings.
I currently have Dual Entitlement and I use "Hybrid" Email using my Domino Server (optionally with Rooms and Reservations) and I have Domino Applications on my on-premises Domino Servers. I have Email hosted on IBM Connections Cloud. What service will I move to?
HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail and Applications. You will no longer need to host your own Domino Server(s). The entire Domino Directory Domain will reside on the Managed Server Provider Cloud complete with your dedicated Rooms and Reservations service and the Managed Service Provider Cloud service will also host your applications.
I currently have Dual Entitlement and I use "Hybrid" Email using my Domino Server (optionally with Rooms and Reservations) and I have Domino Applications hosted by IBM's Domino Applications As a Service. I have Email hosted on IBM Connections Cloud. What service will I move to?
HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail and Applications. You will no longer need to host your own Domino Server(s). The entire Domino Directory Domain will reside on the Managed Server Provider Cloud complete with your dedicated Rooms and Reservations service and the Managed Service Provider Cloud service will also host your applications. The "per application" pricing used with IBM Domino Applications As a Service will move to the per user model for HCL Domino & HCL Verse Mail and Applications.
I have a contract containing Connections Cloud offerings, and I’m actively using the Cloud. Can I renew or extend my term?
Yes, you can execute a one-time contract extension up until the end-date of July 15, 2020. You can also request to end your contract earlier, if you have completed your migration off the Connections Cloud platform.
My contract expires on December 31, 2020, can I continue to use Connections Cloud until that date?
No. The Connections Cloud service will be shut down on July 16, 2020. You should complete your migration off Connections Cloud before the end-ofservice. Please contact SaaSHCL@us.ibm.com to amend your contract to end July 15, 2020 (or earlier). IBM will relieve future billings scheduled after the end-of-service date, or refund your pre-paid contract for the unused portion of the term pending verification and approval by their contracts team. If you complete your migration off Connections Cloud earlier than July 15, 2020, IBM have indicated that they will adjust your contract and payments, accordingly.
Technical Questions
How about upgrades and backups? Will I always have the latest version of the software, and is my data safe?
We will keep your Connections environment up to date with the latest version. Your data will also be backed up accordingly and is safe and secure.
Will IMAP and SMTP be supported
IMAP and SMTP will be supported on the assumption mail needs to be accessed via the desktop client.
Are you GDPR compliant?
Yes, we fulfil all GDPR regulations.
Are you going to support Mail Support for Microsoft Outlook Services?
IMSMO will not be supported by our standard offering. Please contact us for a specific offering if you need this. We are able to provide this as an additional service.
Will you offer spam and anti-virus protection for Verse email?
Business Partner Questions
Can business partners offer HCL Connections and HCL Domino & HCL Verse mail already to their customers who are ready to migrate?
Yes, For HCL Domino & HCL Verse mail, we can start migrating today, for HCL Connections Cloud customers, we will be able to start in April.
Will the business partner receive margin on the license purchase?
Yes. Depending on how involved the business partner is in the process, they are entitled to a margin on the license price.
Will the MSP (Belsoft/ISW/Prominic) take over the license contract from the partners?
Yes. Note that that this only concerns the licence contract to the customer. For all other business around the customer such as services, adoption, onboarding etc we do not take part in that. We will always respect the relationship the business partner has with the customer. The business partner will continue invoicing the customer to preserve the relationship between customer and business partner.
Who provides support to the customer?
Level 1, 2 or 3 support can be offered either by the business partner or the MSP (Belsoft/ISW/Prominic) depending on the particular situation and the customer’s needs.