Engagement Center
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HCL Connections Engagement Center is a single, accessible hub for organisational news and content within HCL Connections, enabling users to create and manage web content efficiently.
People get engaged with finding, creating, owning, and promoting content to improve intranet communication. All content can be found in one place. Communication and collaboration are on the same page or one click away. Connections Engagement Center makes it simple and easy for users to create content; there's no need for multiple systems to create and publish content.
Get the engagement your organization and employees need with HCL Connections, a leading enterprise social software platform, and HCL Connections Engagement Center, a simple add-on for your Connections implementation.
HCL Connections starts with end-to-end social capabilities such as communities, rich profiles, audio and video chat, file sharing, blogs, wikis, forums and activities. Furthermore, it integrates online document collaboration and social content management with essential everyday collaboration tools: email, calendars and contacts.
Connections then extends these capabilities with open APIs so you can easily and quickly integrate them directly with other business applications, including Java applications.
3 differences that set HCL Connections Engagement Center apart from other information-sharing solutions
It combines an intranet and extranet designed for ease of use on top of a collaborative engagement and communication platform.
It is an extremely customizable solution that can be tailored to industry- and company- specific needs.
It provides a single source of truth for content, documents and news, which facilitates user adoption and helps take the pain out of effective information sharing and communication.
Connected, committed and collaborative: How an engaged workforce drives success
Connections Engagement Center makes all of these capabilities accessible and available to your entire workforce. Use it to create landing pages that assemble content from Connections and elsewhere in a simplified, web-like user experience.
With a familiar interface and no steep learning curve to hamper their use, employees can quickly find what they need, act on that information, communicate with upper-level management and help their team build forward momentum.
Connections Engagement Center is an extremely customizable solution that can be tailored to industry- and company- specific needs.
Keeping it simple
Unlike many content management systems, HCL Connections Engagement Center is simple for even occasional content creators.
Low entry level
Any employee can create a blog post or edit a wiki page without special training.
Internal / External
Users can easily create both internal and external pages.
Departmental and / or Company wide
Line-of-business (LOB) managers can set up a departmental web page with minimal training.
A mobile interface supports employees on the go.
Keeping it simple
Unlike many content management systems,
HCL Connections Engagement Center is simple for even occasional content creators.
Users can easily create both internal and external pages.
A mobile interface supports employees on the go.
Business managers can set up a department web page with mini training.
Any employee can create a blog post or edit a wiki page without special training.