First on-premise Connections Customer migrated to our cloud!

A couple of weeks ago we finished the migration for our first Connections on premise customer to our ThreeThirds cloud.

End of last year we had a couple of customers inquire about this so our teams started to brainstorm, plan and build end of December. The plan was ambitious. Design, build, test and execute within 3 months. And we did it. Delivered on time and with success and customer satisfaction.

Let me start with the reasons for on-premise customers to migrate to our cloud

  • They have a global IT strategy to move applications to the cloud

  • They struggle with supporting the technical complex environment as it requires a lot of training and skilled staff.

  • Some of the technologies used in Connections may not match the strategic technologies of the organization so they do not want to train their staff

  • Upgrades to new versions are expensive complex and time consuming

  • They want to save money, our per user / per month pricing is cheaper than an on premise install

And let me continue with some reasons to come to ThreeThirds

  • We are not just a cloud provider, we are a partner. We listen, we adapt and integrate your solutions into our platform

  • We care for our customers and their businesses, we have names not numbers and want to talk to you about your business needs. Our customers’ success is our success.

  • We update the platform while you sleep, with our 24/7 follow the sun approach , achieved by the unique cooperation between Belsoft, ISW and Prominic your work is not interrupted

Read more about our service and a testimony from our first migrated customer here

Project Story

Late December, we designed the migration process, talked to HCL and partnered with Infoware as we use their tooling in the process. We installed brand new multi tenant test systems and started building the migration scripts.

Early March we ran a successful test migration that allowed the customer to validate the quality of the migrated data and give their go for the final migration. Dates were set and we were ready to go.

The migration itself for a mid sized company started on Thursday evening and finished on Saturday evening, giving us a little amount of time on Sunday to have the customer perform some first tests before opening for business on Monday. 1 workday of downtime! Not a bad achievement!

Everything ran smooth and the customer was migrated over as planned and their users were able to resume their work on Monday on the new system.

We are now ready to welcome more on-premise customers

Are you thinking of moving your HCL Connections system to the cloud?

Are you thinking of migrating to another provider because you did not think it was possible to migrate HCL Connections to the cloud

Contact us and talk to us, we can help


( ISW, Belsoft, Prominic)


Grand slam for ThreeThirds - 7 HCL Ambassadors for 2021